Volunteer With Us

Together we can make a real difference

Volunteering with Help Bristol’s Homeless is a fantastic way to make a real difference in the lives of those who are homeless. Your support can have a huge impact on the community and can help us to provide vital services to those who need it most.

Volunteering with us is a fantastic way to make a real difference

So why become a volunteer?

Help us achieve our mission

There are many benefits to volunteering with us. You will have the opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills, and gain valuable experience. You will also be able to make a meaningful contribution to your community and help improve the lives of less fortunate people.

At Help Bristol’s Homeless, we offer a range of volunteering opportunities to suit your skills and interests. Whether you want to help with our outreach work, fundraising, or get involved with our events, there is something for everyone.

By volunteering with us, you can help provide essential services to people experiencing homelessness. This includes providing food, shelter, and support to those who need it most. The impact of your support can be huge and help make a real difference in the lives of those struggling.

So why not get involved today? Volunteering with Help Bristol’s Homeless is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, and you will be making a real difference in the lives of those who are homeless. Contact us today to find out how you can get involved.

We generally have a real need for skilled tradespeople (electricians, plumbers, carpenters etc), in particular those who can self-certify their work. The work would vary from minor maintenance to helping with the conversion of new micro-flats.

We anticipate that we will have limited need for a few practically minded volunteers to help with container conversions. This would either be at Spring Street or another site close to Bristol. This activity is really suited to skilled tradespeople (perhaps retired) or competent home DIY folk.

Periodically we need people to do various practical things – e.g. painting/decorating, minor maintenance tasks (home DIY type jobs), sorting out donated items.


Our wellbeing program has significantly expanded at Spring Street, to further support the well-being of our residents. The services we offer will evolve over time, depending on people’s needs and availability of suitable volunteers.

We plan to offer, but not limited to:

Trained qualified Counsellor

Mentoring services

Help with form-filling and job applications (e.g. on a PC, Seetec).

Hair cuts

An area for training activities (e.g. first aid, life skills, financial management..)

Massage therapy

If you have skills that could support this, then please get in touch.

The big thing that we always need is money! This is to help fund the day-to-day running costs, and (hopefully) to enable us to expand so that we can help more people.

If you are able to get involved with existing fundraising activities, or perhaps could suggest new ones then please let us know. This could include anything from asking local businesses for raffle prizes, or running a fund-raising event or applying for grant funding.

Currently we have need of some help with our Social Media Platforms and will be needing some help moving forward with our newsletter.

We are always on the look out for volunteers to help us run our soup kitchens.